Trish Andersen and Michael Porten

On View: November 15th - January 18th

Opening Reception: November 15th

A boundary between the known and the unknown. An untamed landscape, new and at the same time, nostalgic. An inner journey being explored. Time is blurred and sagging. The weight of this struggle is balanced by a new love, a persistent joy of discovering new limits in the size of our hearts.

Trish Andersen and Michael Porten have stepped into a Wild new Frontier for their first exhibition together. Tackling what it is to be both artists and parents, collaboration is given fresh meaning as their son Walt turns one-year-old on the eve of this show. A wild ride, to say the least, parenting asks one to speed ahead while having little chance to look back. Time stands still and also seems to catapult, prompting excitement and anxiety, igniting instinctive survival skills.

For the full press release, click here.

Jacob Edenfield